2020 Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium
Department of Biology
Svetlana Djirackor and Lucas Topie
Faculty Advisor: Larry Peters, PhD
Subcloning of zebrafish NOD1 alleles into UAS: P2A-nls-EGFP for investigation of NOD1’s
role in hematopoietic stem cell development
NOD1 is a dimeric pattern recognition receptor of the innate immune system, encoded
by the NOD1 gene. This protein recognizes bacterial pathogens and, upon recognition,
is activated and initiates an immune response. NOD1 activation has been implicated
in the mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) yet the underlying mechanism
of this process remains elusive. To further explore the role of NOD1 in HSC development,
we used the recombinational system, In-Fusion® (Clontech) Cloning to subclone zebrafish
dominant-negative NOD1 alleles (L36Q and K202R) formerly designed by our group and
the NOD1 wild type allele (NOD1 WT) into the plasmid UAS: P2A-nls-EGFP. Our collaborators
will use this plasmid, flanked by Tol2 recognition sites, to integrate the sequence
of interest into the zebrafish genome and thus examine the role of NOD1 in HSC emergence
and development.
Spencer Graham
Faculty Advisor: Rebecca Penny Humphrey
Relationship between pollen aperture number and germination in the pollen heteromorphic
Thalictrum thalictroides (Ranunculaceae)
Pollen heteromorphism, a characteristic of some flowering-plant species, occurs when
an individual produces multiple types of fertile pollen grains. As distinct haploid
individuals, fitness may differ predictably among pollen morphs. The presence of pollen
heteromorphism within a species provides a controlled environment to test hypotheses
about pollen competition. Variation in pollen grain morphology suggests that fitness
of pollen morphs varies with conditions in the natural environment. Observing pollen
germination in vitro, we record pollen grain aperture numbers and search for a relationship
between aperture number, germination rate, and time. Morphological variation within
and among individuals of Thalictrum thalictroides provides us with sufficient diversity
to identify trends of pollen grain germination and pollen tube growth. We observe
consistent pollen heteromorphism among individuals, greater germination rates for
more-common morphs, longer pollen tubes for pollen grains with more apertures, and
contrary to our expectation, an increasing germination likelihood over time for grains
with more apertures.
Department of Chemistry
Eddy Kaleel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Method Development for A Kinetic Study of Direct Arylation Reactions Using Phosphine
Method development for a kinetic study of direct arylation reactions is presented.
Quantifying the rate of a direct arylation reaction that employees a phosphine ligand
is a key component to explaining high percent yields of product both under air and
under an inert atmosphere such as argon. Product was produced, purified and characterized
for use in this research. Gas chromatography was chosen as the method to monitor the
progress of the reaction. The individual peaks of each reactant and product were identified
and the GC oven temperature optimized for adequate separation. A calibration curve
was produced as well as calculations for the lowest limit of detection and quantitation.
Finally, the method of sampling the reaction was investigated and reported.
Alfonso Gaspar
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Fritz
Divalent Cations in Tap and Filtered Water: Quantifying the Collective Concentrations
of Magnesium and Calcium Ions
To quantify the collective concentration differences between tap and filtered water
for magnesium and calcium through titration. The experiment consisted of a complexometric
titration with EDTA. Four different types of water were collected from sources within
the science building at Aquinas College. During experimentation, the unreacted indicator
started as blue, transitioned to purple within one mL of completion for the titration,
and pink was the equivalence point. The concentrations of divalent cations had the
following ranking for the collective total of magnesium and calcium: tap > bubbler
> filtered > deionized water.
Aaron Batke
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Jensen
Synthesis and Characterization of Dimethyldioctadecylammonium pentachlorosamarate(III)
Samples of [(C18H37)2(CH3)2N]2[SmCl5] were synthesized and evaluated for possible
liquid-crystalline behavior. Gravimetric analysis, complexometric titration, combustion
analysis, and laboratory analysis were used to help determine the elemental composition
of the samples. Melting point determination, differential scanning calorimetry, polarizing
optical microscopy, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were used to determine
the molecular structure and any liquid-crystalline properties expressed by the samples.
It was determined that a large quantity of methanol remained in the samples after
synthesis. This was demonstrated by their high percent yields and an O-H peak produced
in the IR spectra. Elemental analysis revealed that the experimental percent weight
carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen agree with theoretical values of the proposed compound
formula. The percent weights of chlorine and samarium did not agree with their theoretical
values. The theoretical percent weights of each element were based on the proposed
formula. Liquid-crystalline behavior was not observed in either sample. This may be
attributed to the presence of excess methanol or the synthesized compound is different
from what was expected.
Gabby Brandonisio and Alfonso Gaspar
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Fritz
Scope of the Palladium Catalyzed Direct Arylation of Pentafluorobenzene with Aryl
Bromides under Air
The scope of a Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of pentafluorobenzene under air with
respect to the aryl bromide was explored after the reaction conditions were optimized.
The success of the reaction was evaluated by obtaining isolated yields. A wide range
of aryl bromides with substituents from electron donating to electron withdrawing
tended to give just as excellent yields under air in comparison to under inert atmosphere.
Other aryl bromides have the potential to give excellent yields under these conditions.
Department of Community Leadership
Alex VanSumeren
Faculty Advisor: Micheal Lorr
New Volunteer Management Approach for Gildas Club Grand Rapids
This proposal speaks on key recommendations and ideas for a new volunteer management
program and draws from scholarly sources to provide support. The need for a new volunteer
management system at Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids is evident. The process is currently
long and tedious and could truly benefit from a more streamlined process that will
make it more manageable and efficient. The proposed idea is to move scheduling to
an online platform in which groups can sign up themselves and fill in places of need.
The following proposal will be a discussion of the prevalence of the problem, the
solution that is being proposed to fix the problem, an evaluation plan, and a budget.
These pieces will argue the need and solution for the fixing of the volunteer management
Erin Dwan
Faculty Advisor: Michael Lorr
Developing an LGBTQ Ally Workshop for a Local Nonprofit
For my Community Leadership Capstone, I intended to organize an LGBTQ sensitivity
training for The SOURCE, a nonprofit where I am currently an intern. This training
was to be facilitated by the Grand Rapids Pride Center, and I wrote a grant to fund
the training and its associated costs. This project summarizes how I completed this
project, what impacts I think it had, and how the project connects with the larger
themes in the Community Leadership program curriculum.
Elizabeth Calcaterra
Faculty Advisor: Michael Lorr
A New Family Promise Program: Awareness through Education
This proposal aims provide education and awareness about the true facts surrounding
homelessness. As a nonprofit whose mission is to “end homelessness one family at a
time”, Family Promise has decided to work within the Grand Rapids community around
them to answer the multitude of requests they receive from schools; this will allow
Family Promise to have the time and the people to send into those schools seeking
someone to educate their students on homelessness. Older students will teach younger
students allowing the younger students to feel okay talking and asking questions about
homelessness. This is an essential step as the number of homeless children in Grand
Rapids continues to grow, Kent County adding an additional 600+ students to the homeless
population each year. Through different scholarly sources on homelessness from several
different perspectives, recent research, and data collected by Family Promise themselves
all students will comprehend the extensive outreach homelessness has across America.
The program developed will work to alter the public perception of homelessness and
raise the younger generation with a different, more understanding view of homelessness
in America.
Olivia Borgdorff
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
Centering Mentoring: Mentoring as Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Intervention
During my time as an intern for the Community Service Program with the Kent County
Circuit Court's Family Division I spent 1:1 time with juvenile delinquents serving
their court mandated community service hours. During our time together I brainstormed
a grant that would supplement their rehabilitation process. The grants aim is reduction
in recidivism among delinquents by pairing disadvantaged youth with positive role
models in one-on-one settings. This is the ultimate goal, on top of creating more
productive members of society.
Yesenia Bernal
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael J. Lorr
Discovering Cultural Treasurer
The following 2020 Community Leadership Capstone Project analyses the needs of the
West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (WMHCC) based on the data collected by
the Program Assistant. The Program Assistant has outlined an interactive game, Discovering
Your Treasure, to connect with Latinx Youth. The Program Assistant has drawn from
their experience and extant literature to identify culturally relevant strategies
to educate and empower Latinx youth at the Latino Youth Conference in Grand Rapids,
MI. This Capstone Project will identify the goals, objectives, evaluation strategies,
and the resources needed to successfully execute and measure the impact of the project.
The project will be analyzed based on the data and feedback from participants and
then connected to Community Leadership literature.
Nick Lenz
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
D.A. Blodgett St. John’s Fundraiser
I set out to raise money for D.A. Blodgett’s mentorship program in hopes to help the
mentors do more with their matches. The need for mentors is climbing, and not enough
people are becoming mentors. Being able to raise money for the program may help to
attract more mentors to get paired with more children in need.
Laurel Timmer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
Better Together: A Semester with the Refugee Education CenterThis project involved gaining experience with a local nonprofit (The Refugee Education
Center) in order to use the experience to develop an analysis of how the agency and
the larger community might more effectively address suffering, social problems, and
social injustice and subsequently creating a grant proposal for the organization's
use in addressing these problems.
Claudia Boerighter
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
Preparing Unaccompanied Minors in Transitional Foster Care for Integration into the
American Public School System as ESL learnersThis paper addresses unique challenges that face Immigrant Children who arrive to
the United States Unaccompanied (UC Youth) relevant to their ability to integrate
into American Public Education Systems. While there is a lack of literature studying
UC Youth in Particular, statistics on English as a Second Language (ELL) students
will be addressed. The paper examines possible strategies to ultimately help retention
rates upon the exit of UC youth from the care of Bethany Christian Services’ Transitional
Foster Care program and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Particularly, a partnership
system with public schools to be able to help UC youth become comfortable and encouraged
to continue their education post-reunification. While the proposed project was delayed
due to COVID-19 closures, speculative results will be discussed as will the potential
community impact of programs such as this.
Alexa Rumohr
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Lorr
Dwelling Place Street Harassment Awareness and Prevention ProjectDuring the 2019/2020 academic year, I held the Public Space Special Events Intern
position at Dwelling Place Grand Rapids for the completion of the Community Leadership
Practicum and Capstone courses. My capstone project aimed to address and prevent catcalling
and other forms of sexual street harassment in the Heartside Downtown Neighborhood
with the creation of a four-part, multi-dimensional project series, scheduled for
April 2020, Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Multiple community organizations and leaders
identified sexual street harassment as more than just distasteful behavior, but a
true hindrance on victims’ mental health, local economic development, and the overall
attitude and appeal of the South Division corridor. I will be discussing the mission
behind my project, the methods in which the project was planned, the community outcomes
we would have expected to see, and how my internship and project experience connect
to the broader curriculum themes of the Community Leadership Program.
Department of Data Analytics
Madalyn Warren
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
Analysis of Manatee Population in Florida
Manatees are large, herbivorous sea mammals within the Trichechidae family. Due to
their large size and lazy attitudes, they are often referred to as “sea cows”. During
the 1967 Endangered Species Act, manatees were classified as endangered due to injury
and death caused by motor boats and the destruction of their natural habitats. However,
as of early 2019, the population of manatees around Florida have risen from 1,267
in 1991, to 5,700. This study will focus on the observed locations of manatees in
Florida from January 24th of 1991, to February 1st of 2019. Over 16,000 observations
were recorded by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation (FWC) from the different
counties located along Florida’s coasts, tracking the date, location, and the number
of adult manatees and their calves that were seen travelling. Data analysis will include
using linear regression to determine if there is a correlation between the variables
and the number of manatees that have been observed.
Anna Putnam
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
Modeling Board Game Data to Predict Ratings
There are many aspects of board games that can make them either exciting and enjoyable
to play or boring and uninteresting. The point of this work is to analyze data from
over 10,000 board games, to try to find a model that can accurately predict the rating
of a board game from the number of players, the playtime, the year published, whether
it has an expansion or if it is part of a series of games, and the category (cooperative
or competitive) of the game. This will be tested using two different types of modeling,
linear modeling and random forest modeling. If an accurate working model can be accomplished
this will allow us to find out what factor seems to be the most important in creating
a highly rated board game.
Natalie Smiy
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joseph Fox
Predicting Movie Awards
This project will build a predictive model that will predict if a movie will receive
an award from the movies year, genre, and popularity. I plan on using the database
called film collected from a website called “Project datasets''. The best two model
types to use are neural networks and random forests. I plan on cleaning the dataset
by deleting the null genre columns, and replacing the null popularities with a predicted
popularity based on the year the movie was made. I then plan on using RStudio to split
the dataset into test and training sets. Using that, I will predict if the movie would
have won an award or not. The value of this project is for future filmmakers. This
will help determine if they will win an award before any award show is hosted. They
would know how well it would be just based off of the popularity post movie.
Christopher Smith
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
Projecting Likelihood of All NBA Achievement Using Machine Learning
At the conclusion of every NBA season, fifteen players are awarded the achievement
of All NBA, which consists of three teams: first, second, and third. The first team
is made up of the players deemed to be the best in each positional category: guard,
forward, and center. The second team has the second best in each and the third has
the third best. A player who could reach such an accomplishment can be considered
to be one of the best fifteen players in the NBA and being able to project which players
are capable of reaching that ceiling would allow teams to build stronger rosters.
Using the first three seasons of every player that played at least three seasons from
the 1980 season to the 2016 season, I plan to determine how strongly the first three
seasons of a player’s career is as a predictor of their potential All NBA status.
The models I will use to perform this analysis are logistic regression and neural
networks. After building both models based on 20 different statistical variables,
I will then attempt to predict which players finishing their third season will be
named to an All NBA team.
Tyler Toren
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
Examining COVID-19 Afflicted Areas Across the US
The disease known as COVID-19 has rapidly spread throughout the world, killing hundreds
of thousands of people and disrupting society in nearly every country across the globe.
While most of the studies I’ve seen have looked at the total number of cases on a
national or global scale, I’m evaluating the infection rate per 100,000 people on
a county-by-county basis in the United States. This way, I can determine why certain
areas fare worse than others. I am currently examining several variables, including
population density, poverty, and age. This should allow us to see what factors contribute
to the spread of the virus and what preventative measures can be taken in the future.
For the casual observer, this model can provide information regarding which areas
they should avoid in order to decrease their chances of getting the virus.
Makayla Seelye
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
Popularity of Films
The project's main goal is to be able to predict whether a film has received an award
based on the other information given in the dataset. The dataset being used contains
records of films/movies.To create the most accurate model for this dataset, would
be to use either a random forest model or a logistic regression model. Using a logistic
regression model will be most effective because this is a binary classification problem.
Creating the models first calls for the data to be split into a training set used
to create the model and a testing set used to test the model. Once both types of models
are tested on the test data, there will be a clear answer to which one predicts the
data more accurately. The main reason behind this project is to be able to predict
whether all different kinds of films have received awards based on certain information,
such as the genre, popularity, duration, year, and more.
Department of Education
Hannah Hazelbach
Faculty Advisor: Stacy Slomski
Waves of Change: Connecting Literature with Characterization, Conflict, and Theme
Using Authentic Student Experiences and Discussion
Creating meaningful and authentic experiences in the classroom promotes a creative,
critical, and constructive learning environment for students to connect literature
to their lives and grow as learners. As a secondary educator, I created a curriculum
that transforms learners from passive participants to active leaders. Consulting resources
from secondary instructors Penny Kittle and Brain White, I intend to initiate quality
classroom and small group discussions to empower students taking responsibility for
their learning. Throughout this unit, I model for 8th grade English Language Arts
students at Grandville Middle School how to use the power of their voices, perspectives,
and experiences to engage with a text and complex ideas.
Department of Geography & Environmental Studies
Maxwell Ludka
Faculty Advisor: Jim Rasmussen
Chronic Wasting Disease in the State of Michigan
I have conducted research on Chronic Wasting Disease in Michigan's white-tailed deer.
Chronic Wasting Disease is a fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, also known
as a prion disease. It is marked by its high transmission efficiency among cervids.
This disease causes a degeneration of the brain of the infected animal. This makes
them lose weight rapidly, decreases their interactions with other animals, lowering
of their head, increases drooling, and finally death. The research produced useful
qualitative results from interviews with professionals dealing with this disease everyday.
Along with quantitative results given by the Department of Natural Resources. I dove
in to find an answer regarding the severity of Chronic Wasting Disease in Michigan.
I was very pleased with the answers I found, along with all of the help and kindness
from the professionals open to discussing this topic with me.
Sara Boersma
Faculty Advisor: Richard McCluskey
Invasive Species and the Aquarium Trade
The aquarium trade is responsible for the transportation of thousands of species across
the globe. This has opened the door for unwanted organisms to be released into nearby
bodies of water with adverse ecological implications. The aquarium trade is now recognized
as a significant source of invasive species movement across North America. Online
inventory lists were obtained for 29 aquarium stores that sold aquatic plants and
32 stores that sold freshwater fish. The lists were compared against a list of invasive
fish and invasive aquatic plant species within the study area to obtain a percentage
of invasive species for sale (PIS). The results of the analysis indicate that a higher
percentage of invasive fish and plants are sold at chain stores than independent stores.
The presence or absence of scientific names for plant and fish species for sale were
noted. Scientific names are proven to be the only accurate way to label fish and plant
species. Poor labeling of fish was found to be associated with store type with a positive
relationship between presence of scientific names and independent stores. Poor labeling
of aquatic plants was also found to be to associated with store type with a moderate
relationship between scientific names and independent stores.
Jordan Buckingham
Faculty Advisor: Rich McCluskey, Jim Rasmussen, and Mary Clinthorne
Analyzing Recycling Behaviors in Grand Rapids Through Neighborhood Characteristics
Within the last decade, Grand Rapids has set initiatives to reduce the amount of waste
produced. In 2016, a plan was set to decrease waste by 90% in 2030– most would be
diverted to recycling. In turn, outreach programs and other initiatives have been
advertised to the public to increase recycling rates. Have these efforts been effective?
To answer this I wanted to analyze recycling behaviors in the city of Grand Rapids
through neighborhood characteristics such as race, income, or age. A significant difference
of recycling rates between neighborhoods would indicate a hitch in the recycling program
because it is not reaching a certain demographic of people. However, the convenience
of curbside, single stream recycling should not deter residents from participating.
Therefore recycling is a behavioral activity and is a choice.
Department of History
Gannon Foley
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jason Duncan
The Legal Arguments for United States’ Intervention in the Vietnam War: A Reappraisal
"This investigation seeks to analyze the various events and documents that shaped
US policy before and during the Vietnam War. Specifically, conflicts in Asia beforehand
(tensions with China, the Korean War, and French occupation of Vietnam) molded America’s
preconceptions on how foreign policy should be handled. It then follows that, with
these events for experience, Lyndon B. Johnson’s expansion of the war in 1964 drew
credibility from these preceding events. The legislation he encouraged Congress to
pass was dramatic, but had legislative precedent and cruised through both houses.
When thought about critically, these pieces of evidence indicate that American leaders
during the Vietnam War era operated under governmental and popular approval. Communism
was indeed a recognized threat for the US, and the actions taken that heightened American
involvement can be defended. Many historians argue that the Vietnam War was a horrific
endeavor, one in which our leaders intentionally led us down a path that was destructive.
However, thorough analysis demonstrates that hindsight is indeed twenty-twenty. Under
their best knowledge and judgement, our Vietnam era leaders made immensely difficult
decisions. "
Department of Mathematics
Anna Putnam
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
The Mathematics of Image Recognition
Creating an image recognition program from scratch, that would be able to label images
of oak leaves and maple leaves accurately, uses neural networks and requires researching
the calculus behind the programming. The neural networks allow us to take any given
amount of inputs and work our way down to one or two outputs, through a number of
hidden layers between the inputs and the outputs. By using these layers we can set
weights and biases for the individual connections between them to maximize the control
that we have and the accuracy of the program. The end goal was to have the program
be able to identify a leaf as either maple or oak correctly. This research has the
potential to extend to the creation of an application that will accurately identify
a leaf from any of the trees on the Aquinas College campus.
Keeley Hinton
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
Behind the Scenes of High School Test Scores
This project will build a predictive model that will predict high school students’
test scores based on whether or not they come from a lower income family and/or the
level of education their parents received. I will be using the data set called “Students
Performance,” which contains eight variables including gender, race/ethnicity, parental
level of education, lunch (standard or reduced), test preparation, and the scored
from math, reading, and writing exams. This data was collected from various high school
students in the United States, and collected by Dr. Royce Kimmons, who is an assistant
professor at Brigham Young University. The nature of this data set would make us certain
that linear regression is an appropriate model to use to predict the impact of lower
income families and/or parental education level has students’ exam scores. My project
will be helpful to schools looking for ways to increase their students’ test scores
and hopefully be able to predict which demographic of students need more help than
Bruce Buurstra
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Fox
An Analysis of Major League Baseball Statistics
This project will build predictive models that will predict three things about Major
League Baseball (MLB) teams: which teams make the playoffs, their final season ranking,
and their ranking after the playoffs. I will be using the dataset “Moneyball” that
contains statistics about MLB teams from 1962 to 2012. This dataset was collected
by Sports-reference.com. In the early 2000’s Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland
Athletics MLB team, along with Paul DePodesta had to think in a different way than
all the other MLB teams in order to compete. Their emphasis of statistical analysis
in baseball is currently known as Sabermetrics. MLB teams either make the playoffs
or do not and Logistic Regression models are best suited for modeling response variables
with only two possible outcomes. The final season ranking and ranking after playoffs
variables will be modeled using Random Forest models. All these models will be built
using R Studio Cloud. These models should be able to serve as predictive models for
MLB teams in the future and should lead to conclusions about the importance of certain
statistics for baseball teams.
Department of Philosophy
Noah Hall
Faculty Advisor: Daniel Wagner
Thomas Aquinas on Creation and Primary and Secondary Causation
The goal of this project was to examine the doctrine of creation ex nihilo as presented
in the work of Thomas Aquinas’ philosophical works and write a paper presenting his
thoughts on the matter with commentary from other sources. The readings focused on
his teachings on causation, especially as it relates to primary and secondary causes.
In keeping with philosophical tradition, secondary literature was looked at to continue
the practice of commentary on philosophical works. The most prominent work other than
Thomas Aquinas’ corpus that was looked at was Augustine’s De Genesi Ad Litteram, which
Thomas comments on.
Noah Hall
Faculty Advisor: Daniel Wagner
Nature, Philosophy, and Latin in St. Thomas Aquinas' De Principiis Naturae
The primary goal of this project was twofold. First, the student acquired basic understanding
and habits of Latin forms, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary necessary for producing
philosophical translations of the work of St. Thomas Aquinas. Second, the student
and faculty mentor collaborated to produce a philosophical translation of the second
chapter of St. Thomas Aquinas’ De principiis naturae, which contributed to the living
tradition of treating the thought of the Angelic Doctor. This project is a continuation
of a previous study done with another student on the opening chapter of the De principiis
Department of Psychology
Alyssa Schwartz, Angelo Leon, Cory Slovinski and Amber Christensen
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
Factors Affecting Perceived Stress in Undergraduate Students
This research analyzes the prevalence of stress in the lives of undergraduate students
as well as factors that may be contributing to stress. An online survey distributed
to undergraduates was completed by forty-nine student volunteers. Cohen’s Perceived
Stress Scale and additional open-ended questions were incorporated in this survey.
Based on this data, researchers were able to analyze coping mechanisms and significant
stressors in the lives of undergraduate students. The results of the coping mechanism
portion were sorted into ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ categories. It was predicted that
male participants would report engaging in unhealthy coping mechanisms more often
than female participants. Demographics such as academic major, academic year and biological
sex were also studied in relationship to perceived stress. Researchers hypothesized
that science majors, math majors, females and upperclassmen would experience the highest
levels of perceived stress. Males in this study reported answers shorter in length
than their female counterparts. The majority of females reported engaging in healthy
coping mechanisms while the majority of males reported engaging in unhealthy coping
mechanisms. Most of the participants reported time management as one of their main
reasons for stress. Implications of this study, as well as ideas for future research,
will be discussed.
Julia Cooke and Victoria August
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
Marital Status, Parenthood, and Alcoholism: Examining the Effects of the Single Motherhood
Penalty on Socio-Cognitive Perceptions
Women’s rights have increased over the past hundred years, most notably with the ratification
of the right to vote, but women still face discrimination in comparison to men, especially
in the workplace. Women are paid less than men and this gap widens if they become
mothers, a phenomenon that is called the ‘Motherhood Penalty’ (e.g., Burgess, 2013).
Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that single mothers that tested the effects
of gender, marital status, and addiction status on socio-cognitive judgments. Using
a between-participants design, we asked participants to rate a picture of a person
(male or female) paired with a brief description in which marital status (single or
married) and type of ailment (alcohol or physical) was manipulated. In Experiment
1, where a passive AUD manipulation was used, we saw no clear evidence of a single
motherhood penalty (Experiment 1a). In Experiment 2, when the experimental manipulation
was changed to active addiction we observed the predicted SMP (Experiment 2a), with
no such analogous penalty for single fathers (Experiment 2b).
Lauren Haggart, Melissa Varacalli, Nicole Diekema and Kaitlyn Moore
Faculty Advisor: Joyce Oates
Childhood Temperament and Stress in Early Adulthood
Studies have shown that the temperament of an infant can predict levels of anxiety
an individual expresses in young adulthood. A lot of this research has been focused
on genetics, family environment, parental behaviors and reactions to the infant’s
temperament, infant emotionality, and social settings the infant is in. This study
was conducted through a survey sent to undergraduate students at Aquinas College.
This survey was used to assess if there was a link between temperament and anxiety.
Each participant, between ages 18 to 25 took two surveys that looked at their temperament
as an infant and then asked about their current feelings of anxiety. Researchers predicted
that those with an inhibited and shy temperament would show higher levels of anxiety
later in life. Results showed that there is a significant link between anxiety and
emotionality. Emotionality temperament is defined as being aroused easily and intensely
(got definition from EAS scale). Therefore, infants with emotionality temperament
are more likely to obtain anxiety later in adulthood.
Emma Steckelberg, Taylor LaBine and Benjamin Unger
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
How social anxiety influences nonverbal intimidation in adults
Intimidation can be communicated through nonverbal cues like body language and facial
expressions, and can produce negative reactions in an observer. This in turn can affect
various interpersonal interactions, such as workplace environments and romantic relationships.
If social anxiety leads to discomfort and irritation in social situations, it could
influence the way a person perceives the negative impact of nonverbal intimidation.
In this study, we examined how social anxiety might affect the perception of intimidating
nonverbal cues. Participants (n=331) completed a modified DSM-5 Severity Measure for
Social Anxiety. Following the modified DSM-5 Measure, participants rated a series
of pictures of men and women displaying intimidating and non-intimidating nonverbal
cues based on the level of social anxiety they would feel interacting with each stimulus.
The results showed that intimidating stimuli were perceived as more anxiety-inducing
than non-intimidating stimuli. Participants with social anxiety, compared to those
participants who did not have social anxiety, reported significantly higher levels
of anxiety not only for intimidating stimuli, but also non-intimidating stimuli. This
indicates that people with social anxiety may have lower thresholds for perception
of intimidation, even if no nonverbal intimidation cues are present.
Madalyn Crawford, Giavonna Ward and Katie Vitella
Faculty Advisor: Joyce Oates
Utilization of Counseling Services
This study explores the reasons why undergraduate students use (or do not use) on
or off campus counseling services. Studies show that the rates of undergraduate students
with mental health concerns is ever increasing, yet the stigma surrounding these disorders
is still quite prevalent. Students often avoid seeking treatment due to these stigmatic
cultures, lack of time, and lack of knowledge of the campus’s resources. Research
also shows that gender, race, religion, and sexual preference have an influence on
whether or not a student seeks treatment. Participants were composed of undergraduate
students at Aquinas College, a small liberal arts college in the midwest. Responses
were collected through an online Google survey. We hypothesised that our findings
would be consistent with the literature on this topic, but provide us with results
specific to Aquinas College. The results for the relationship between the use of counseling
services and gender were marginal, and students of the LGBTQ+ community were more
likely to use counseling services than those students not a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
When observing class standing, freshman underutilized services, sophomores and juniors
used it as expected, and seniors maximized their use of services. Religion was not
a deciding factor for use of services.
Meghan Thornton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
That's Got to Hurt: Perception of Pain Expressions in Athletes
Through our study, we sought to determine if facial expressions of pain were viewed
as more severe when the stimuli were the same race and biological sex of the viewer.
Based on previous literature, we predicted that participants would rate the picture
stimuli that were not of their own race to be in less pain than those picture stimuli
of their own race. Participants were shown photos of the faces of athletes as they
experienced an injury and were asked to rate the level of pain the athlete was experiencing.
Using an ANOVA model, the results indicated that there was a main effect of race,
such that participants, (who were predominantly Caucasian), rated African American
athletes to be in greater pain than Caucasian athletes. In addition, there was an
interaction between race and biological sex of the stimuli; Bonferroni corrected,
2-tailed paired samples t tests indicated that Caucasian males were rated to be in
less pain than both African American males and females but were not rated differently
than Caucasian females. These findings are incongruent with previous studies of racial
bias and pain perception.
Bailey Freeland, Emily Adams and Stefanie Smoes
Faculty Advisor: Joyce Oates
Attachment Style and Friendships in Emerging Adulthood
Emerging adulthood is a term that refers to people who are between the ages of 18
and 25. The emerging adulthood theory comprises many factors such as age, sex, race,
culture, relationships, etc (Arnett, 2007). When the attachment theory is applied
to parents, friends, and significant others it plays an important role in emerging
adulthood (Arnett). Using the attachment theory, we evaluated previous studies on
how attachment between current and past relationships impacts future relationships
and friendships. In the current study, we administered the Measure of Attachment Qualities
(MAQ) to assess attachment styles and the McGill Friendship Survey to assess friendship/relationship
quality. Based on the results, participants were placed in one of four categories
of attachment styles: secure, avoidant, ambivalence-merger, or ambivalence-worry,
and their friendships/relationships were categorized using six categories: stimulating
companionship, help, intimacy, reliable alliance, self-validation, and emotional security.
When we evaluated the data, we found that there were significant correlations between
attachment styles and the types of friendships/relationships that participants had.
Amanda Wells, Juliette Rickel, Lauren Falkenstein and Kelly Nickson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
Can You See the Way I Feel? Gender Differences in Autism Spectrum DisorderPrevious studies have found that men are more likely to be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) than women with a ratio of 4 to 1. One explanation for a lower rate
of diagnosis is that women with ASD tend to engage in social camouflaging or hiding
symptomology/behaviors at higher rates than their male counterparts. Extending this
line of research, we examined the difference between men and women with ASD and their
ability to recognize emotions and engage in social camouflaging. Forty-nine females
and nineteen males (ASD and controls). Participants were administered the Reading
the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), the Autism Spectrum Quotient (ASQ), and also answered
questions related to social situations. As predicted, we found a negative correlation
between ASQ and RMET scores which suggests that as traits of ASD increase, ability
to recognize emotions decreases. Importantly, there was a marginal difference in RMET
scores between males and females with ASD, despite no significant difference in ASQ
scores in participants with ASD. This suggests that females with ASD may have an advantage
in recognizing emotions compared to males with ASD. We propose that this advantage
in emotion recognition may help females camouflage socially, and may bolster under-diagnosis.
Department of Sociology
Giavonna Ward
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum
Mental Health Coping in African-American CommunitiesThis research explores the ways that African-American communities use alternative
coping methods instead of traditional mental health services. Like many systems, there
are myriad complex barriers to mental health for people of color. The rate at which
black communities access mental health services is not equitable to that of their
white counterparts (Kawaii-Bogue, B., Williams, N., and MacNear, K., 2017). As a result,
African Americans seek out alternative methods to cope with stressors. This research
explores not only disparities in how African-Americans use services but also helps
to identify some of the alternative methods that the community relies on in its place.
With shining light upon these less traditional forms of mental health treatment, we
are able to better understand how these resources are critical for African-American
spaces and how we can use these spaces effectively to deliver adequate treatment.
Nicole Diekema
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum
Facial and Body Gestures: Difference Between Races Facial cues and body language can cause problems between different races. There are
different emotions and different expectations of expression but there are six universal
facial expressions (happy, sad, surprise, disgust, anger, and fear) that are recognizable
across cultures. It is the human ability to register emotion and body language that
can hinder or encourage one's willingness to have conversations with others that may,
or may not, fit their race. There are different categorizations of universal expressions
across race that leads to stereotyping between races. Stereotypes stemming from implicit
racial bias that is constructed by different social groups. It is one of the ways
in which a separation or ‘othering’ occurs between people across race. The separation
between people is caused by little understanding of the importance of what emotions
and body gestures mean to individual races and submitting to the stereotype without
the correct information.
Meghan Thornton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jen Lendrum
How Women Carry the Cross: The Cultural Trauma of Gendered Violence and the Christian
ResponseThis research analyzes current conceptualizations of cultural trauma and argues that
gender-based violence (GBV) should be included among its definitions. Furthermore,
it examines the way the (Christian) church has generally responded to gendered trauma
and the role it plays in the crisis of GBV. Drawing a combination of scholarly literature,
and quantitative data we first examine the ubiquitous nature of gender-based violence
and, second, the ways in which survivors of GBV feel supported or re-victimized by
their faith as well as the church.
Department of Women's Studies
Kaela Frailing
Faculty Advisor: Amy Dunham-Strand
Eating Disorder Diagnosis and Gender-Relative Energy Deficiency in Endurance Athletics
Eating disorders are a growing issue within endurance athletics; however, this problem
is too often seen as only a female issue. This presentation serves to combat the myths
present within endurance athletics when it comes to body composition and ability to
perform, specifically at the elite level. This will be done through the analysis of
current events, such as the issues within Nike's elite running coaching staff, as
well as looking into the shift of rhetoric from Female Athlete Triad to Relative Energy
Deficiency Disorder in Sports.
Department of World Languages
Dominique Foley, Darla Romero and Aubrey Ruiz
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shelli Rottschafer
Our Expression of Ethno Poetry
For this project, the students explored the topic of Ethno Poetry for their WL472
Engaging in Latino Grand Rapids course. They used research and personal life events
to write their own poems about identity and tradition that encompassed the Ethno Poetry
style. Following this work, they each wrote an essay that expanded on their own definition
of Ethno Poetry and tied these definitions to the thinking behind their poems. For
this WL472 course the students also did an internship partnering with Cesar Chavez
elementary, volunteering each week with bilingual classes and engaging in the latin
community. This influenced and inspired their work in Ethno Poetry. Their pieces were
compiled into a creative slideshow to showcase their combined expression of this unique
Bridget Gibley
Faculty Advisor: Carmen Ruiz-Sánchez
The Pronunciation of ""ch"" in Andalusian Spanish: A Study of Social and Linguistic
The study of the Spanish language includes the study of many different dialects and
variations. For example, Andalusian Spanish contains a variable pronunciation of the
consonant “ch.” The standard pronunciation in Spanish is an affricate sound [tʃ] (as
in the “ch” in “choose”). However, the consonant “ch” can also be pronounced in a
weakened, fricative sound [ʃ] (as in the “sh” in “shoe”). This dialectal variation
is widespread among speakers of different ages, gender, and education, but previous
studies have found correlations between these sociolinguistic factors and the typical
pronunciation of “ch.” This study is modeled after similar studies from other regions,
analyzing audio interviews with speakers of Andalusian Spanish in Alcala de Guadaira
in Southern Spain. Each speaker is analyzed based on the dependent variable of the
pronunciation of “ch” and independent variables of gender, education, and phonological
context for the consonant. The results of this study confirm that women and speakers
with a higher level of education use the affricate pronunciation more than do men
and speakers with a lower level of education.
Abigail Safago
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross
Ethnic Layers: The Impact of German Immigration on the Social and Economic Development
of the City of Grand Rapids
The United States is often called a “melting pot” due to its history of immigrant
cultures that have profoundly shaped this country. West Michigan and the City of Grand
Rapids are no exception to this. Although often perceived as an overwhelmingly Dutch
region, Grand Rapids is home to a far more diverse set of immigrants than commonly
understood, including the Polish, Lithuanians, Germans, Bosnians, Vietnamese, Mexicans,
and other groups from around the world. Inspired by “German Traces of NYC” and “Ethnic
Layers of Detroit”, two digital humanities projects that bring their cities’ rich
(and often hidden!) cultural histories to life through multimedia storytelling, this
research project explores the impact that German immigrants had on shaping the history,
culture and economic development of Grand Rapids, Michigan. By partnering with community
members and ‘telling the story’ of significant landmarks that are representative of
the Grand Rapids German community between 1840-1918, this research reveals the importance
of German cultural artifacts of the past and present (festivals, associations, architecture,
commerce, and community events), and their contribution to the rich multicultural
fabric of our city.
Atilla Erhan
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross
Solidarity vs. Pluralism? A Comparison of the German and US American Healthcare Systems
This study was undertaken to explore the topics of health care policy, social insurance,
and the German and American sentiment towards health and health care. Particular emphasis
was placed on how differences in policies (i.e., taxes; accessibility; human capital,
workforce and operation structures) result in differences in utilization and cost
between the US and Germany. After a general overview and description of the two health
care systems, the second part of this research paper will analyze, evaluate and compare
the two systems regarding their respective equity and efficiency. Finally, this paper
proposes that a better understanding and subsequent application of the German “concept
of solidarity” – which is outcome-driven and places a high value on the quality of
care – can help to identify opportunities for future improvements and reforms in both
health care systems.
Kelsey Hall
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Hojnacki
Die Geschichte und Unterschiede von Elsässischen Deutsch, Zürichdeutsch und Kiezdeutsch
(The History and Differences of Alsatian German, Zurich German, and Kiezdeutsch)Despite having a rather small geographical size, German-speaking Europe has a plethora
of regional dialects. Many of these dialects vary greatly from each other, both in
terms of their origin and their grammatical differences. Language naturally changes
overtime, sometimes due to the influence of historical events or other languages.
This paper aims to research three German dialects and how the history of their development
has led to their formation as well as better understand the different ways in which
dialects can be formed throughout history. By studying Alsacian German, Zurich German,
and Kiezdeutsch, one can see three distinct ways that a dialect can develop overtime.
One can also see the different ways that a dialect can differ from the language’s
standard form as well as the commonality that they’re the result of languages influencing
one another.
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